Versione in italiano
Budapest 2024, 100 m butterfly sc, 47.71, World Record.
The results I achieved in recent days at the World Championships in Budapest, in the magical waters of the Duna Arena, unequivocally confirm that in sports, talent helps you, hard work (both in quantity and quality) is essential, and mental strength makes the difference. But for everything to work perfectly, the team supporting the athlete is the indispensable framework within which everything happens.
The three world titles (50m and 100m butterfly, 100m IM) and the world records I set (50m and 100m butterfly) are an enormous boost of confidence and awareness of my present and future potential, starting with the upcoming long-course season. I promise you we will leave nothing to chance and will continue on this path, which, of course, won't always be easy.
Thank you to all the fans in Ticino, Switzerland, and around the world for the immense warmth and support you are showing me. And now, let’s focus on the upcoming holidays.
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